Webinar: Housing Trends in Marquette County

For residents and businesses to thrive, we need homes – but long-term, nationwide trends related to construction costs and housing demand are making it harder for individuals of all incomes to find the homes they need locally. To find local solutions to this issue, understanding housing trends and needs is an important first step. What kinds of housing do we need in Marquette County, and how do we build it? Who should be involved in solutions, and what’s being done now? These questions were discussed during a virtual panel on Tuesday, April 27, featuring local and regional leaders. Speakers shared information about the newly-released housing needs assessment, an update on the City of Marquette’s Ad Hoc Housing Committee, and details on the Marquette County housing programs.

Speakers included Sarah Lucas of Lake Superior Community Partnership, Emily Bosch of Central U.P. Planning and Development, Evan Bonsall, Marquette City Commissioner; and Anne Giroux, Marquette County Finance Director.
Below is a recording of the webinar:
Here are some additional resources

MissingMiddleHousing.com (Dan Parolek & Opticos Design): https://missingmiddlehousing.com/

Housing Committee Information: https://www.marquettemi.gov/adhochousingcommittee/

Housing Webinar PowerPoint Presentation

Housing Definitions and Income Levels
