2013 Upper Great Lakes Talent Summit

Posted by on September 4, 2013

The Upper Great Lakes Talent Summit will provide attendees with the opportunity to work together to develop strategies that align with Michigan Governor Rick Snyder’s call to address talent related issues across the state.  This year’s Summit will explore and develop the collaboration needed locally to create connections that will result in continued economic growth.  The theme for this event is Collaborate – Create – Connect.  The event continues the work that began at Governor Snyder’s statewide economic development and education summits in March and April.


On March 18 and 19, 2013, business and education executives, workforce and economic development leaders, and other stakeholders came together for the first annual Governor’s Economic Summit at the Cobo Center in Detroit. The summit supported efforts to match Michigan’s talented workforce with the needs of its employers over the coming years, and identified opportunities for more robust regional collaboration.

One of the primary objectives of the summit was to have these job creators and members of our communities provide their input, in collaboration with workforce development, economic development and education experts, on what the future demand for workforce talent will be in Michigan.  As a result, the education community at the annual education summit in April had input from employers about the skills and occupational talents that will be in demand across the state.

Fifty-seven Michigan companies provided extensive forecasting that was aggregated by region and industry and provided to summit participants. These efforts helped identify the state’s economic development assets, specific talent needs, challenges to talent acquisition, and ways for the business community to connect with the workforce development and education communities. The results from all groups were consolidated by the key business leader, facilitator and summit project team.

The outcomes of the summits include action items focusing on Future Talent Demand, Talent Acquisition Challenges and Connecting Employers to the Economic and Workforce Development Communities.  Statewide and regional work is being done in all three areas.

Next Steps

Each of the ten economic development regions will hold a follow up summit to build on the Governor’s Work.  Representing the U.P. Talent District, this Talent Summit has been planned for September 20th at the Island Convention Center in Harris, Michigan.  This will be one of the largest gatherings of business and education leaders, elected officials, economic and talent development practitioners, and community stakeholders in the Upper Peninsula.

The keynote speaker at this event will be Eric Thomas, renowned speaker, educator, author, activist and minister. Eric Thomas has risen to National prominence by delivering high energy messages that encourage people to live up to their full potential. Known for his engagingly personal approach, his messages are both dynamic and inspiring.

Michigan State Superintendent Michael Flanagan will also be a featured speaker at this event.  He will share his perspectives on many aspects of the educational system in Michigan including the Michigan Merit Curriculum.

Attendees will be joined at lunch by esteemed award winners such as the Government Contractor of the Year and the Michigan 50 Companies to Watch winners from this region.

Time will be spent with legislators from each district as well.  Attendees will have an opportunity to attend breakout sessions with their local legislators to discuss items related to talent, education and employment/hiring needs in the region.

The full group will finish the day by prioritizing items from three sub-regional SWOT analyses so that the talent district members and all stakeholders across the region can set action items, timelines and measurements to address talent related issues throughout the following twelve months.

Join the Upper Great Lakes Talent Summit Friday, September 20th, 2013 at the Island Convention Center in Harris, Michigan and plan to provide input for our region’s Talent and Economic Development solutions.  Registration page: http://tinyurl.com/l49dbvf

