Action Alert: Fiscal Cliff

Posted by on December 13, 2012

~  Action Alert from LSCP  ~

Urge Congress to Address National Debt Crisis

The Lake Superior Community Partnership is urging its members to take action by calling on lawmakers to find a fiscally responsible solution to avoid year-end fiscal cliff while developing a long-term debt reduction plan. The uncertainty and partisan gridlock swirling around the debt crisis is jeopardizing our fragile economic recovery and the LSCP is doing its part.

The time for action is now – our fragile economic recovery cannot risk ongoing gridlock in Washington and the blame game of political parties. Our businesses, employees and children deserve clear and concrete action now to secure a more prosperous future for us all. 

Links to contact your federal lawmakers are below.
Sample Guidelines

Guides to Write Your Elected Officials

As a member of the Lake Superior Community Partnership and a concerned citizen, I urge you to help forge a bipartisan, comprehensive plan to avert the “fiscal cliff” and stabilize the long-term trajectory of our escalating national debt. 

We are encouraged by courageous leaders in both parties who have put ideology aside and have expressed the desire to talk, work out the parties’ differences, and put all parts of the budget on the negotiating table. We need a bipartisan compromise to avert the fiscal cliff and begin the tough work of stabilizing our national debt. 

The fiscal cliff presents a real opportunity for Congress and the White House to come together now to at least put a down-payment on future deficit reduction as a first credible step in putting in place a comprehensive agreement over dealing with the national debt. 

I urge you to use the lame duck session to take the first meaningful step toward a deal, and then put in place a credible process and timeline for getting there next year. 

Neither party can do this alone. A solution to replace the fiscal cliff with a smart plan must be bipartisan – compromise by both sides is necessary. 

We can no longer delay the tough choices needed to put our nation’s budget on a sustainable path, and over the next few months we have a great opportunity to take action. 

I strongly urge you to work across the aisle and use leverage of the fiscal cliff to dvise a long-term solution to our escalating debt. 
U.S. Senate

Senator Carl Levin 

269 Russell Senate Office Building

Washinston D.C. 20510-2202
(202) 224-6221
U.P. Office: (906) 789-0052
Senator Debbie Stabenow
133 Hart Senate Building 
Washington D.C. 20510
(202) 224-4822
U.P. Office: (906) 228-8756
U.S. House of Representatives
Representative Dan Benishek

514 Cannon House Office Building
Washington D.C. 20515
(202) 225-4735
U.P. Office: (906) 273-1661
