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Lake Superior
Community Partnership

LSCP and Marquette Sawyer Regional Airport Launch Air Service Survey

Posted by on April 4, 2024

The Lake Superior Community Partnership and Marquette Sawyer Regional Airport are asking businesses to add their voice to support expanding air service in the region. A brief five-question survey will help quantify ‘latent demand’ – demand that is not otherwise captured in other data sets because businesses and individuals are opting to drive or not take a trip they would otherwise take. The data will be coupled with other efforts, including a recent demand and leakage study, new grant opportunities, and active efforts to strategically plan for the future of Marquette Sawyer Regional Airport.

The survey can be found at www.marquette.org/airservicesurvey. It closes on April 12 at noon.

“Reliable, affordable, and convenient air service is critical to supporting economic vibrancy across our entire region, especially in Marquette County, where so many of our businesses are located,” said LSCP CEO Christopher Germain. “We face a complex set of circumstances to bring back the air service we previously had. Expanding on that further will take creative solutions, a broad coalition, and constant preparedness to capture opportunities when they come about. The data collected in this survey will help us do that while supporting other efforts actively underway with private and public partners to plan for the future.”

If you face any issues accessing the survey, please email lscp@marquette.org, and an LSCP team member will assist.
