Busy Summer

Posted by on May 18, 2012

Since the beginning of the year our staff has been crazy-busy with business and community development projects. As the summer comes on, so do more opportunities for you to engage with the LSCP and play a significant role in helping to stimulate and sustain a vibrant regional economy. 

First, five area foundations are coming together to host an event for people who want to learn about “planned giving” on Tuesday, May 22 from 6pm to 7:30pm at the Holiday Inn in Marquette.  Planned giving, as defined by PlannedGiving.com, isa method of supporting non-profits and charities that enables philanthropic individuals or donors to make larger gifts than they could make from their income,” and a planned gift is any major gift, made in lifetime or at death as part of a donor’s overall financial and/or estate planning.”
Hosted by the LSCP Foundation, Diocese of Marquette, Bell Foundation, Marquette General Foundation and Marquette County Community Foundation; the evening offers guests the opportunity to get a deeper understanding for the planned giving process from a panel of experts.  The panel features planned giving donor Mark Canale, as well as life insurance representative Kara Applekamp, estate attorney Ken Seavoy and certified financial planner Jon Mommaerts.  Our non-profits depend on generous donations from our residents to carry out their mission, and a planned gift to one of our area foundations is just one way you can contribute.
Next, I want to tip you off to something big coming from the Lake Superior Community Partnership.  On June 6, The LSCP Evolution, an event to launch our rebranding efforts will unveil our new mission, strategic plan and clearly define “who we are and what we do.”  The LSCP Evolution will be held at 5pm in the Peter White Lounge in the University Center on the campus of NMU.  Anyone is welcome to attend, and guests will be treated to hors d’oeuvres with a cash bar available. 
Of course, our 13thAnnual Golf Outing is coming up on June 12 at the Heritage Golf Course in Marquette.  The LSCP Golf Outing is our organization’s second major fundraiser for economic development, and we encourage you to sponsor or enter a team of five!  You can register your team online at https://marquette.org/participate/lscp-golf-outing-2012.
Also this summer, we have the Live It U.P. Business and Career Expo on August 22 at Lakeview Arena.  Live It U.P. will provide a chance for businesses to showcase themselves to the public and other business professionals, debut new products or services or draw attention to a must have top seller!  There will be a “Career Seeker Corridor” for organizations who want to feature open positions with their company and attract new talent.  Beyond the expo, job seekers can also participate in the “Live It U.P. Experience” to learn about living and working in the U.P. and network with employers one-on-one. 
If you would like to learn more about these and other happenings with the LSCP, visit our website at Marquette.org or call our office at 226-6591. 
