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Partnership News & Views

The Process of Business Attraction

As I’ve written numerous times, economic development comes in three basic forms:  retention/expansion, attraction and entrepreneurial development.  Today I will focus specifically on business attraction and the site consultant process.  Many corporations hire what are referred to as “site consultants” or “site selectors” to assist them in finding a location…

Busy Summer

Since the beginning of the year our staff has been crazy-busy with business and community development projects. As the summer comes on, so do more opportunities for you to engage with the LSCP and play a significant role in helping to stimulate and sustain a vibrant regional economy.  First,…

Election Season Again

My oldest daughter just turned 18.  So I started thinking… she can buy lottery tickets and gamble at a casino, work longer hours, buy tobacco products, get a tattoo or piercing (without permission from me), join the Armed Forces or enter into legal contracts, and most powerful of all,…

Live it U.P.

The Upper Peninsula is home to hard working people who enjoy outdoor recreation, music, locally crafted products, culture and nightlife.  There is room to join this creative, active and prosperous community, and the Lake Superior Community Partnership and Michigan Works! are introducing just the platform to showcase the unique…

2012 LSCP Golf Outing

Since the snow melted in early March, Mother Nature has been going back and forth on deciding whether or not she’ll bring us spring weather.  However, we’ve reached that time on the calendar, at least, where we begin to talk about summer break, vacation plans and of course high…

Ambassadors Make Annual Legislative Trip to Lansing

Last week, the Marquette County Ambassadors made their annual legislative visit to Lansing.  The Ambassadors are a privately funded group of business, education, community and government leaders from across Marquette County, who are also members of the Lake Superior Community Partnership.  Their mission is to promote and foster economic…

Marquette County Vision

For the last five years, The Lake Superior Community Partnership in collaboration with the Mining Journal has published the Marquette County Vision magazine, a spectacular community marketing piece that showcases the best of the community through all original features and photography.  This year’s edition is scheduled to be printed…

Upper Peninsula Young Professional Conference

Taking advantage of professional development opportunities for yourself and your employees is instrumental in improving performance, as well as enhancing the services provided by your organization. 40 Below: Marquette County Young Professionals is hosting the inaugural Upper Peninsula Young Professionals Conference on Wednesday, May 2, 2012 in the…

LSCP Holds 13th Annual Dinner

Last Friday, March 16, the Lake Superior Community Partnership held its 13th Annual Dinner.   The event is our organization’s largest fund raiser each year, and the proceeds generated support LSCP’s economic development efforts in the region.  This year’s event saw more guests at the Northern Michigan University Great Lakes…

Getting Involved with LSCP

“How do I become more involved with LSCP?”  Seems like a simple question that should have a relatively easy answer, right?  It’s a question we hear often from new Partners, and those who are renewing for another year who most likely are in what we call the “low-engagement” category.  …
