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Articles of Interest

LSCP Takes a Look into the New Year

Happy New Year! Here’s to wishing you all have a healthy and prosperous 2019 … and if you own a business, or want to buy or start one, our team at the Lake Superior Community Partnership can help put you on the road to success. Looking to buy a business?…

It’s about investing in Marquette County

Each year when you receive the invoice for your investment, I am sure you reflect on its value to your company and the community. To close out 2018, the LSCP is working hard to gather our yearly data. Some of which I highlighted in my recent “LSCP Wraps-Up 20th…

LSCP Wraps Up 20th Anniversary

As we wrapped up our 20th Anniversary in November, I took the time to reflect on the year and decided to compile a list of “LSCP Top Ten of 2018”. I believe it is important to reflect on accomplishments within an organization for many reasons. It allows the organization…

LSCP Always Focused on Primary Mission

It’s hard to believe, but this month officially concludes our 20th anniversary celebration. And what a year it has been! Often times we are so busy, heads down with our work, that we forget to take a moment to reflect on where we have been and all of the…

Shop Small This Holiday Season

Happy Thanksgiving week! With the holiday season underway, here in Marquette County we truly have many reasons to be thankful. We are lucky to live in this wonderful community filled with amazing organizations, businesses and people. On behalf of the LSCP, we want to thank all of our partners…

Midterm Election: Why You Should Vote

de·​moc·​ra·​cy | \di-ˈmä-krə-sē  \ Definition of democracy  1a: government by the people especially: rule of the majority b: a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections With Election Day tomorrow, I thought it only fitting that my column reflect…

Tips to Help with Workplace Culture

You have heard me talk many times about the talent shortage or “tight” labor market we are currently facing. We talk with businesses every day about their struggles for talent, what they are doing to attract and retain employees and we provide any type of assistance we can. One thing…

LSCP Releases 2018 Vision Magazine

Each year, the LSCP releases Vision Magazine, which showcases some of the many businesses and organizations that make Marquette County what it is today. We have a great partnership with the Mining Journal who handles the advertising and works with LSCP staff on content. We are thankful to all…

Fundraising for Economic Development in Marquette County

Fundraising. Often times the very activity that is needed to sustain and grow a non-profit organization or event. As someone who is responsible for it in my organization, I can tell you first-hand how difficult it can be at times. For you as a business or community supporter, I…
