COVID-19 Resources for Businesses

Posted by on April 6, 2020

First and foremost, I hope that you and your family are doing well during these uncertain times. This is certainly a new normal for all, but I believe that together we can persevere.

Our community and people around the country have responded in amazing ways. If you look around our community you certainly get a flavor for all the good in the world.  (After all, wasn’t it Mr. Rogers mother that told him that when he saw things that are scary to “look for the helpers”?) From groups making masks and free lunches for children, to campaigns for take-out and delivery, volunteers stand ready to make a difference.

The economic development industry is no different. Here in the U.P., the collaboration across the peninsula has been amazing to be a part of. We share resources, communicate on a regular basis, and support one another in order to be able to assist the businesses and organizations.  We want and we need you to all be successful.

A huge thank you to all those on the front lines. No matter if you are in healthcare, providing essential services, delivering food, trucking goods, manufacturing essential products or checking out at the grocery store … you are appreciated for all that you are doing.

Now, onto the most important message I can share with you today. If you are a business suffering from the impact of COVID-19, please reach out to our Business Development team. There are many resources, grants and loans that have been made available to help you through these difficult times. You can find all of this information on our website as well, but remember that we are here to help you navigate them successfully.

Reaching out to our many sources, we have tried to provide summarized and user friendly information for your review.  We know the last thing you have is time to pour through pages and pages of information only to find it not valuable.

We have also included a checklist for small business, in particular, a list of actions businesses can be taking during this downturn. It includes tips for bringing in cash, managing things you can control and marketing and promotion. Let’s look at all the ways your business can get through the crisis and come out on the other end ready to rise up! The checklist can also be easily found on

I also want to remind you that you do not need to be an investor in the Lake Superior Community Partnership to get assistance. Our incredible investors are committed to making sure we have the experienced staff and resources so that we can be here for EVERY business and organization, providing Business Development services in good and bad times.

And lastly, to everyone, please “stay home, stay safe”.

Amy Clickner, CEO, writes a bi-weekly column for the Mining Journal.
