Eagle Mine Community Environmental Monitoring Program (CEMP)

Posted by on September 18, 2013


There is a position opening on the Community Environmental Monitoring Program (CEMP) Board for a volunteer with an understanding of and/or experience in mining.  The appointment, to be made by the Marquette County Community Foundation, is through September 2015.  Screening for this position is being done by Stang Decisions in Marquette.  To apply, please visit the following website: www.cempboard.com.

Information about the CEMP Agreement, between the Superior Watershed Partnership, Rio Tinto Eagle Mine, and the Marquette County Community Foundation can be found by visiting www.superiorwatersheds.org, or contacting the Marquette County Community Foundation at 228-7666.  The CEMP Board serves as a dispute resolution entity as a part of the CEMP agreement.

This position on the CEMP Board in an opportunity to serve the community and support independent  monitoring of modern mining in the UP.
