Funding Economic and Community Development

Posted by on July 6, 2011

In order to fund and support economic and workforce development, as well as cultural and recreational activities in the Upper Peninsula, the Lake Superior Community Partnership Foundation was created in 2000 as an outgrowth of the Lake Superior Community Partnership. 
The LSCP Foundation is a 501(c)(3) corporation whose primary mission is:
·         To promote and advance economic and workforce development by working with area business leaders to determine workforce needs and appropriate use of resources.
·         Work for systemic change in area school systems to address workforce needs in the community.
·         Support cultural and recreational activities through grants and coordinated efforts with other community grant-making agencies.
The Foundation is a fiduciary for such things as the Lake Superior Community Partnership’s Chairman’s Circle, which provides an opportunity to join other visionary leaders making economic development in Marquette County a top priority.  As a member of the Chairman’s Circle, participants/partners demonstrate their commitment to the region and the economic progress it has made through the financial support of our private-public partnership.
Other projects of the LSCP Foundation include:
·         The Midwest Skills Development Center which offers vocational training and technical diploma programs such as the Electrical Line Technician and PowerTech programs in collaboration with NMU and utility and energy companies across the U.S.
·          The Marquette 4th of July Fund which supports the activities of the Marquette Area 4th of July Committee to hold the parade, fireworks and other events. 
·         The West End Vocational Education Program  A project of under the Lake Superior Partners in Education, aimed at creating a variety of vocational training available to students of Western Marquette County high schools and meet the hiring needs of area employers.
·         The Lake Superior Leadership Academy Fund designed to raise scholarship dollars to help other Marquette County residents experience the value of expanding their professional networks, enhance knowledge of the Marquette County community and learn ways to increase their leadership skill through the Lake Superior Leadership Academy.
·         Marquette-Alger Great Start Collaborative:  A partnership of community leaders, health care professionals, human service agencies, charitable and faith based organizations, teachers and parents whose mission is to assure that all families in Marquette and Alger Counties are provided a great start for their children, from pre-birth through age five.
You can learn more about each project of the Lake Superior Community Partnership Foundation as well as donate by visiting the LSCP Foundation Crowdrise page.   Crowdrise is a site that is unique in how it blends social media networking with fundraising.  It’s a great opportunity for anyone to be able to give a donation, large or small, from anywhere at any time to a cause of their choice.  It’s also a great way for non-profits to promote and solicit sponsors for their missions and volunteer work. 
You can log on to the LSCP Foundation’s Crowdrise site from our Web site ( by clicking on the Crowdrise logo on the right-hand side of the homepage, or by going to
To learn more, visit the LSCP Foundation Web site at or call 226-6591.