LSCP Awarded Contract as Career Jump Start Liaison

Posted by on January 7, 2015

JumpStart LogoThe Lake Superior Community Partnership (LSCP) has been awarded a contract from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) to serve as the Region 1 (Upper Peninsula) liaison for their Career Jump Start (CJS) program.

Career Jump Start promotes the Michigan Advanced Technician Program and the Advanced Manufacturing Partnership, along with local programs within each region which provide training leading to high demand careers.  The program provides information about careers requiring a bachelor’s degree, but will focus on educating students about shorter term credentials, associate degrees and apprenticeships that are sought after by employers.  The ultimate goal is to direct high school graduates to high demand jobs and close the skills gap in Michigan.

“CJS fits perfectly into our strategy on talent enhancement and our work as the Collaborative Development Council lead also covering Region 1,” commented LSCP CEO, Amy Clickner.  “We are honored to have been chosen and excited to get started and do our part to close the skills gap in the Upper Peninsula.”

Linda O’Brien, Business Development Representative, will be leading the Career Jump Start program at the LSCP.  Visit their website for more information on this program.
