The LSCP Evolution part 2
Posted by Amy Clickner on June 15, 2012
The LSCP Evolution allowed us to celebrate and officially announce our new sharpened focus for the future, with the strategies and tactics that will get us there. We know what we will do, how we will do it and why it needs to be done.
Over 18 months ago, our staff and board members began to break down the functionality of our organization, what we do best, where we should focus our efforts and what the ultimate goal is of the Lake Superior Community Partnership. This long, hard look in the mirror eventually led to crafting the seven strategies in our new strategic plan.
This staff driven plan meets the board’s objectives to sharpen our focus on economic development and extend our reach, all in the name of meeting our mission to stimulate and sustain a vibrant regional economy by facilitating economic growth and prosperity.
High performing economic development organizations operate with a solid strategic plan, but one that is grounded in reality to allow for flexibility and adaption to emerging situations that will invariably present themselves. Our plan does just that.
To provide you with a 30,000 foot view of the plan, here are the seven strategies that will drive our economic development efforts and help us to solidify the foundational building blocks needed to be successful. They are:
1. Serve as the Region’s Most Proficient Organization for Economic Growth
2. Leverage the LSCP’s Business Network to Strengthen our Economic Development Efforts
3. Serve as the Region’s Leading Economic Development Advocate, Tracking Legislative Issues, Educating Partners, Interpreting Decisions, and Influencing Policy
4. Effectively Market the LSCP’s Unique and Measurable Value
5. Become a Model Financial Performer
6. Enable and Deliver Sustained Employee Excellence
7. Provide Valuable Partner/Client Services that Strengthen our Mission
Just as important as “what” we do, is “how” we do it. The staff and board of the LSCP have four enterprise values that define the way we do business every day: Leadership, Expertise, Focus and Integrity.
Of course, any plan without accountability and measurement is simply “hoping” it will happen. As part of the implementation activities of our plan, we have instituted formal benchmarks and key performance indicators that will be reported regularly to our executive committee. We have an internal structure that monitors progress, flagging items if they are not on par with expectations.
As you may have noticed, we are excited about our new plan. But the LSCP doesn’t do anything in a silo. It is because of our partners, clients and stakeholders all working together toward a common goal that makes the difference.
For more information on the Lake Superior Community Partnership and our new Strategic Plan and sharpened focus, visit our website at or call 906-226-6591.