Accreditation Status an Honor for LSCP

Posted by on July 15, 2011

As you have probably heard by now, the Lake Superior Community Partnership has received accreditation status from the International Economic Development Council (IEDC).  This designation is one of the highest accolades an economic development organization (EDO) can hope to receive, and we are certainly honored and humbled by this designation.  As a matter of fact, there are only 28 other EDOs who have earned accreditation status and the LSCP is the only in the State of Michigan.
Michigan Governor Rick Snyder released a statement saying, “Congratulations to the Lake Superior Community Partnership on being accredited by the highly-regarded International Economic Development Council.  I am proud to see your efforts recognized.  Too often economic development efforts in Michigan have been fragmented, with neighboring communities working against one another.  When regions instead work together and grow together, everyone benefits.  The Lake Superior Community Partnership can stand as a model for economic development agencies across the Upper Peninsula.  Your work is helping to reinvent Michigan.”
Mike Finney, president of the Michigan Economic Development Corporation added, “The Lake Superior Economic Partnership is a catalyst for growth and a superior resource for communities and businesses in the U.P.  This recognition is a well-deserved testament to their leadership and all the great work they do every day.”
The accreditation process consists of two phases designed to elicit specific information about the structure, organization, funding, programs, and staff of the candidate economic development organization.  For the first phase, we were required to submit documentation demonstrating the LSCP’s development, structure and activity.  After the IEDC reviewed our documentation, it was determined that we were eligible for Phase Two: Site Team Visit. 
Coming off a busy week in early June at the Lake Superior Community Partnership, the site review team from the International Economic Development Council arrived in town to evaluate our organization and community.
The two members of the review team had never been the UP before, flying into Sawyer from Texas and Virginia Beach.  As you can imagine, they were pleasantly surprised and extremely impressed with our natural beauty, abundant amenities and engaging citizens.  Thanks to the Landmark Inn for providing our guests with accommodations and the Marquette Community Foundation for a grant to fund the application fee.
The visit consisted of meetings, interviews, process and policy review, operational assessment and a windshield tour of our county. The Partnership would like to take this opportunity to recognize and thank all of our board of directors, members and stakeholders that took the time to be a part of the visit and prioritize this opportunity in their busy schedules.  The team commented on the “passion that our stakeholders have about the LSCP and our community.”
Achieving this status internationally means that our organization and partners are doing positive things and are on the right path.   The Lake Superior Community Partnership was created over 13 years ago with the intention of bringing all communities, sectors and businesses together for the common greater good of our region.  This organization hasn’t become a top economic development organization by accident.  We have intentionally put a high emphasis on economic development over the years to fulfill the board’s strategic goals.    As we move forward we will continue to narrow our focus on the creation and retention of jobs in Marquette County. 
For more information on the Lake Superior Community Partnership visit or call 226-9658. 