Only businesses in the Ishpeming DDA District and Negaunee DDA District may apply through the LSCP. If your business is in the City of Marquette, please reach out to local officials directly for information on how to apply.
The application deadline has passed. Thank you for your interest!

Program Highlights
Match on Main is a reimbursement grant program administered by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation that serves to support new or expanding place-based businesses by providing up to $25,000 in funding to support eligible activities. In alignment with the City’s professional services agreement with the Lake Superior Community Partnership, the LSCP will serve as the applicant on behalf of the City of Ishpeming and the City of Negaunee. Only businesses within the Ishpeming or Negaunee Downtown Development Authority are eligible for consideration.
The LSCP, via a shared review committee comprised of LSCP and City staff, will determine which business within the DDA district is selected for inclusion in the final application for support. The LSCP can ultimately submit only one proposed project to the MEDC. If awarded, the business will work with the LSCP to receive funds once the project is complete.
The maximum award to any individual applicant is $25,000. A 10% cash match is required.
Businesses located in downtown Marquette are encouraged to apply through their local entity.

2025 Timeline/Process:
- The local application window is open January 2 – February 14 at 5:00 pm
- Businesses should submit their business worksheet to
- Include the subject line: Match on Main [City] – [Business Name]
- Local review committee scores applications (February 15 – March 7)
- See the example scoring matrix (final to be released soon)
- Selected business will be notified via email
- LSCP will work with the business to make any necessary edits and prepare the official application
- LSCP will submit the official application (due April 7, 2025)
- Award Announcement Summer 2025
- The project must be completed within 6 months of the effective date on the MEDC grant agreement with the applicant.
Eligible Businesses:
- Businesses operating as for-profit or non-profit entities located within the boundaries of the Ishpeming DDA or Negaunee DDA
- Businesses that sell products and/or services face-to-face and have a physical location in a downtown, historic neighborhood commercial corridor, or area planned and zoned for concentrated commercial development that contributes to a dense mixed-use area with multi-story elements.
- Businesses that have, or intend to have, control over the site for which they are applying prior to Match on Main application.
- Note: changes in the proposed business location after grant selection may result in the grant being forfeited.
- Businesses headquartered in Michigan.
- Businesses must be able to provide at least 10% cash match
- Businesses/non-profits that have not received or been approved for an MEDC Match on Main grant before.
- Note: this does not include the MEDC Match on Main COVID19 Response Program Grant.
Ineligible Businesses:
- Franchises (including independent contractor agreements)
- Businesses located in strip malls (unless located in an area zoned and approved for future concentrated mixed-use development)
- “Big box” retailers
- Businesses whose primary sales come from marijuana, CBD, or tobacco
- Any other businesses deemed ineligible by the MEDC.
Eligible Fund Uses:
Expenses for technical assistance items for design and layout of interior or exterior space, such as:
- Conceptual renderings of the interior or exterior floor plan
- Merchandise layout
- Other interior or exterior design concepts
- Construction drawings, plans, or specifications for interior or exterior space activation.
Expenses for interior building renovation items, including:
- Rehabilitation of floors, walls, ceiling, rooms
- Electrical improvements
- Lighting and lighting fixtures
- Furniture and display renovations
- Installation of permanent kitchen or other equipment
- Fire suppression or other code compliance items.
Expenses for permanent or semi-permanent activation of an outdoor space, including:
- Dining area
- Beer garden
- Other place-based outdoor activation deemed acceptable by the MEDC.
- Exterior signage, doors, and windows may be permitted as eligible expenses if they are part of a larger outdoor space activation project.
Expenses for general marketing, technology to assist in connecting with customers (e.g., website upgrades or e-Commerce integration), operational changes (e.g., shifting from dine-in to carry-out), the purchase of a point-of-sale system, or inventory expenses for retail goods.
NOTE: Only eligible expenses incurred after the date the application is due to the MEDC (April 7, 2025) may be considered for reimbursement under the Match on Main program. Any expense incurred prior to the award announcement and executed grant agreement is entirely at the sole risk of the Business.
Additional Details
Additional details can be found in the Match on Main User Guide and at Match on Main | MiPlace.
Note: The LSCP is the applicant to MEDC and does not control the program’s parameters. MEDC sets all eligibility criteria and allowable/non-allowable uses.
Ready to Apply?
Eligible businesses must submit a complete business worksheet to by Friday, February 14, at 5:00 p.m. EST to be considered. Please include “Match on Main—[Business Name]” in the subject line.