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Partnership News & Views

Solving a Cash Crisis: Part 2

In my last column we talked about the first steps in solving an immediate cash crisis.  In this column, we’ll finish that conversation and get to some solid strategies for building a strong financial future for…

Solving a Cash Crisis: Part 1

As we enter the last quarter of 2013, many of us in business are fortunate enough to be looking into 2014 and preparing for the future.  Some of us may be faced with the burden of an immediate cash…

Pure Michigan Business Connect Opportunities

Pure Michigan Business Connect  Matchmaking Opportunities – Fall 2013     2013 Consumers Energy Fall Supplier Summit: Gaylord, MI – October 21 Pure Michigan Business Connect will be hosting an invite-only supplier summit featuring Consumers Energy and partners Henkels and McCoy and Moran Iron Works on October 21st, 2013. If…

Medicaid Reform/Talent

As you know, the Lake Superior Community Partnership has been a strong supporter of Medicaid reform in Michigan.  We were pleased to see the passage of House Bill (HB) 4714 that is headed to Governor Snyder’s…

Importance of Giving & Volunteering

  “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” -Winston Churchill Who doesn’t recognize this famous quote by Winston Churchill?  As someone who was raised in the UP and fortunate enough to raise my…

Lake Superior Leadership Academy

As a graduate of the inaugural Lake Superior Leadership Academy (LSLA) class of 1999, I am always excited to spread the word about this program.  This leadership program immerses students in the community for hands…

LSCP Launches New Website

The internet is a critical tool in economic development.  Short of bringing everyone you meet to your community, your web and social media presence can virtually transport them for a visit! Often times a “first impression”…

Changes for Pioneer Surgical and the Eagle Mine

Anyone remember what my favorite quote is regarding economic development?  Something about “change” and it being the only constant?  Well, we are coming off one of those exciting weeks of change in Marquette County. Let’s start with our partners at Pioneer Surgical.  Not only did they announce…

Michigan – The Comeback State

“A rising tide lifts all boats.” – John F. Kennedy I can’t tell you how many times I have used this particular quote throughout my tenure at the Lake Superior Community Partnership, in particular when talking about collaborating across our county and the Upper Peninsula.  While at the…

LSCP Favors Medicaid Reform

LSCP Favors Medicaid Reform MARQUETTE – The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) last June left the option to expand Medicaid – or not – to each individual state.  As a result, it is uncertain whether or not Medicaid will…
