LSCP Holds 13th Annual Dinner

Posted by on March 22, 2012

Last Friday, March 16, the Lake Superior Community Partnership held its 13th Annual Dinner.   The event is our organization’s largest fund raiser each year, and the proceeds generated support LSCP’s economic development efforts in the region. 

This year’s event saw more guests at the Northern Michigan University Great Lakes Rooms than in recent years.   “Mardi Gras Masquerade Ball” was this year’s theme, and guests dressed up in masks and beads while NMU Dining Services provided stellar Cajun cuisine.  The room was decorated magnificently by Pizzazz Chair Covers and the LSCP staff.  You can get a look for yourself on the LSCP Facebook page (). 

The LSCP Annual Dinner is also where we present our Distinguished Service Awards to both a business and individual winner who have contributed to the betterment of Marquette County and the LSCP through the use of time, talent and treasure.   Co-sponsored by the LSCP and the Marquette County Ambassadors, this year’s honorees were former NMU Vice President of Finance and Administration Dr. Mike Roy, and VAST insurance.   Both winners have demonstrated superb commitment and leadership to the community. 

Mike Roy has served on the LSCP board since 2003, and has been instrumental in his role as Treasurer and Chair of the Finance Task Force for the LSCP since 2007. Under Mike’s firm guidance, the LSCP was able to eliminate its debt, improve cash flow and reporting processes, and set a course to plan for the long term financial health of the organization.
VAST’s involvement in the local community is exemplary.  As an organization, they have supported many worthwhile causes over the years for the purpose of making Marquette County a better place to live for all of us.  VAST encourages their employees to become involved in the community, which helps them grow both personally and professionally.  To learn more as to why these winners were chosen, you can check out the videos used to introduce each winner last Friday.   
In the past, the Annual Dinner has been a structured program with assigned seating, a strict schedule and a small amount of networking time at the beginning and end.   However, for the past two years we have changed the event to be much more relaxed and flexible.  We’ve gone with a “eat when you want and sit where you want” idea, which allows for more time to check out silent auction and prize baskets, as well as network with those who don’t work in the same office. 

Overall the event was a huge success, meeting our budget expectations.  These dollars sustain our business retention, expansion and attraction efforts in the region.   Thank you to our partners who continue to support the LSCP and the economic progress of Marquette County!

To learn more about the Lake Superior Community Partnership, visit our website at www.marquette.orgor call our office at 226-6591.
