Operation Action U.P., Annual Meeting and Distinguished Service Awards
Posted by Amy Clickner on January 14, 2013
January is shaping up to be a very busy month; here are some important dates to remember.
Each year, the members of Operation Action U.P. (OAUP) and the business community from across the Upper Peninsula gather for their Annual Meeting to celebrate the accomplishments of regional businesses and share in their success. This year’s meeting will take place on Friday, January 25 at Northern Michigan University’s Great Lakes Rooms in Marquette.
OAUP’s mission is to bring together industrial corporations, financial institutions, utilities, institutions of higher learning, businesses and concerned citizens in a coalition that work together to create a favorable economic climate and strong employment base for Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.
The theme of this year’s OAUP Annual Meeting is “Blazing a Trail to the U.P.’s Economic Future,” focusing on infrastructure and workforce development.
The morning will feature a workforce development panel with an afternoon panel on infrastructure. Confirmed speakers include Senator Tom Casperson and Kirk Steudle, Michigan Department of Transportation’s Executive Director. Each panel of three will provide an opening summary, discuss the current status in the Upper Peninsula, the direct impact and the future of infrastructure and workforce development.
The meeting features several outstanding Upper Peninsula businesses that will be recognized with an Award of Excellence. The OAUP Award of Excellence recognizes outstanding businesses or major institutional employers that have contributed to the economic well-being of the Upper Peninsula. The award winners will have the opportunity to “spotlight” their business with a presentation, giving the audience a better understanding of how they came to be deserving of an Award of Excellence.
For more information on the Operation Action U.P. Annual Meeting, visit operationactionup.org. From there you’ll be able to download the brochure and registration form. The cost of the event, which includes lunch, is $45 for OAUP members and $50 for non-members. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP to the Lake Superior Community Partnership at 906-226-6591.
Next, join us at the Lake Superior Community Partnership’s Annual Meeting, scheduled for January 30 at noon at Northern Michigan University’s Great Lakes Room’s. The meeting will share 2012 outcomes, metrics and success stories direct from our partners.
At the Annual Meeting, the LSCP and Michigan Works! will recognize Marquette County businesses who have added at least one job through our Plus One program. It is designed around the premise that an employer adding just one employee contributes of the economic development in Marquette County. The Plus One program has recognized companies for adding 1,488 jobs since the inception of the program five years ago.
We will kick off the Business After Hours 2013 season with Michigan Works! hosting on January 23 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Holiday Inn. There are still limited dates available in 2013 if you are interested in hosting an event!
Lastly, don’t forget to send in your nominations for LSCP’s Distinguished Service Awards. The awards recognize an individual and a business who:
· Make a strong contribution to the betterment of Marquette Country though the use of time, talent or treasure
· Help the LSCP reach its community and economic development goals
· Demonstrate leadership within the community
The recipients will be announced at the LSCP’s Annual Dinner on March 8. So while you have your calendar open, mark this fun event down too!