The New Normal

Posted by on March 2, 2011

How can you not have heard about the turmoil in Wisconsin, or the deep cuts proposed in Michigan’s $1.8 billion expected deficit?  We have seen presentations of how we got here, statistics from every angle and then some!!  To me, the question now is “where do we go from here?”
We can’t change what has happened.   We can only accept that we have arrived at this point, and strategically define a path for our community to seize this as an opportunity and move forward.  Let’s choose to understand what the “new normal” is for our region and create our destiny versus having it be thrust upon us.
Recently, Northern Michigan University hosted Jeffrey P. Guilfoyle, President of the Citizen’s Research Council of Michigan.  His presentation is included on our Web site,, and it’s worth taking a look at.  In the presentation, the “New Normal”, Mr. Guilfoyle draws a clear picture of the 18 month recession and how Michigan was affected compared to the rest of the nation, details of state spending, tax structure and what things look like moving forward.
Next, Governor Snyder’s proposed budget was announced (also found on our Web site).  The intent of this 156 page document seems to be creating a new tax structure for business on the revenue side, while cutting across the board to balance on the expense side.  For the most part, nothing funded by the State escapes the knife.  While that’s definitely not pleasant, at least we know where we stand.  We now have the opportunity to be proactive in our communities and find innovative and collaborative solutions.  After all, isn’t that how the Upper Peninsula has always survived?
So what can you do?  First of all, take the time to understand the financial constraints faced by our local municipalities, school districts and state funded agencies.  Folks in these leadership positions, many you have elected and trust, are faced with very difficult decisions ahead.  Difficult decisions are rarely popular across the board and emotions tend to run high.  However, let’s not forget that these people are our neighbors and friends who have chosen to take on these responsibilities on our behalf.  Share your innovative solutions; be a positive contributor to the public discussions and share factual information in conversation versus churning the rumor mill of misinformation. 
For a taste of how difficult it is to balance a budget like Michigan’s, visit the Center for Michigan’s budget balancing simulation at  Take a crack at it and let us know your results!
At the Lake Superior Community Partnership, we have just embarked on mapping and creating an inventory of current shared services and collaborative efforts in our region.  Knowing what exists will help us determine gaps, opportunities and best practice models.  Sharing this information in a consolidated format and making it user friendly and easily accessible is our goal.  As the State continues to promote regionalism, we too need to look at opportunities with our neighboring counties and our friends in Canada.
For more information on the Lake Superior Community Partnership, visit our Web site at or call 226-6591.