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Articles of Interest

Good Jobs is Good News for Michigan

MARQUETTE — The legislative process is complicated and often times frustrating. However, when successful, it can bring great joy to those who have written, advocated and lobbied for the bills. Good Jobs for Michigan was a package of bills first introduced in 2016 that would provide an…

What the Partnership is and is Not

We get many questions on what exactly the LSCP does. Do we only provide services for our partners or for the whole community? Are we a Chamber of Commerce? Are we an economic development organization? Are the services we provide free? Hopefully, I can clear up…

Offering Congratulations to Our Many Grads

With the hustle and bustle of the Lake Superior Community Partnership (LSCP) graduation season behind us, I’d like to take some time to dedicate today’s column to all of the people that have graduated from programs under the LSCP umbrella over…

Lake Superior Leadership Academy

In this day and age, it’s vital for communities to have involvement from leaders and individuals to ensure a successful, thriving and enjoyable place to work and live.  Communities need leaders with a vision to see the potential in areas for…

Most New Jobs Come from Within the Community

Did you know that 80% of job growth comes from within your community?  80% of all new jobs created are through business startup, retention and expansion.  Crazy isn’t it? Actually, it’s not all that crazy.  Those who are familiar with the community, its culture and…

National Economic Development Week

It is ironic that my column appears in today’s paper as it is the kickoff of National Economic Development Week (EDW)! Created by the International Economic Development Council, and inspired by IEDC’s Immediate Past Chair, Barry Matherly, CEcD FM, President and CEO,…

How to make business connections that matter

Networking. You probably already know this is an important part of doing business. Building and maintaining relationships can go a long way in helping your business to succeed. For example, meeting the right people can help you gain referrals, create…

Judge blocks Obama overtime rule, putting it in jeopardy

The Labor Department’s contentious overtime rule was blocked Tuesday by a federal judge in Texas, putting one of President Obama’s top regulatory initiatives in jeopardy. In a 20-page order, Texas U.S. District Judge Amos Mazzant issued a temporary injunction halting the rule nationwide. “Due to the approaching effective date of the…

Keep Marquette County in mind when holiday shopping

The year has flown by! I can’t believe it is Thanksgiving week already! I am sure by now you’ve seen the TV commercials, newspaper ads and social media posts promoting holiday shopping. With so many shopping options out there, I…
