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Growth, Change, and Opportunity at the LSCP in 2022

The last couple of years has given a bad name to new year’s forecasts, upending all sorts of predictions for what’s to come in the year ahead. So, while no one claims to have a crystal ball about what the…

Year in Review: 2021 Wasn’t Business As Usual

As we wrap up 2021 and reflect on our year, one thing is clear – in 2021, there was no such thing as business as usual. Every business, family, and community organization spent 2021 adapting to the constant change that’s been…

Partner Spotlight with United Way of Marquette County

This year we have launched a monthly Partner Spotlight program as a new way to get to know LSCP Partners! This month’s Partner Spotlight is the United Way of Marquette County! We spoke with Executive Director, Andrew Rickauer, about…

Busy Legislative Season Brings Opportunities for Economic Development

In one of Lansing’s holiday traditions, there’s been a flurry of bills and movement in Lansing around some big issues this month, including economic development. As a member of influential economic development groups like the Northern Michigan Chamber Alliance (NMCA), the…

Skip the Supply Chain Headaches: Shop Local

Christmas is coming…hopefully. Holiday shoppers are finding that supply chain disruptions could impact their gift-giving plans. Strong consumer demand for goods, combined with labor shortages and disruptions to freight, shipping, and manufacturing, has left the supply chain snarled. Some products are hard…

Housing Solutions on the Horizon

“We really wanted to move to Marquette, but we couldn’t find a house – everything’s selling too fast.” This comment, overheard last week, is a story that’s become familiar in Marquette County and illustrates one of the interesting challenges we face…

Partner Spotlight with ABC 10

This year we have launched a monthly Partner Spotlight program as a new way to get to know LSCP Partners! This month’s Partner Spotlight is WBUP & WBKP ABC 10 & CW 5! We spoke with Operations Manager, Kenn…

Ambassadors Work Towards Long-Term Economic Solutions in Lansing

The Marquette County Ambassadors are making their trip to Lansing this week – again virtually. Each spring and fall, the LSCP works with the Marquette County Ambassadors, a cross-sector group of leaders from business, local governments, schools, and more, bring our…
