DEQ issues final mining permit to Orvana

Posted by on February 25, 2013

DEQ issues final mining permit to Orvana

Move signals state approval for western U.P. project


The DEQ today sent Orvana Corporation a draft of the final permit the company will need to begin its Copperwood mine north of Wakefield in Gogebic County.

Company and state officials still must put final signatures to the Wetlands, Inland Lakes and Streams permit, but this is the last major permit needed for Orvana to construct this mine. The permit is not final until it has been signed by Orvana and counter signed by the DEQ.

In response to comments from the public, Native American tribes, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and DEQ, Orvana made numerous improvements to the original proposal submitted January 2012, including: 

  • Utilizing natural channel design (versus ditches) for channels diverting existing streams around the proposed tailings basin. The new design incorporates wetland creation in the floodplain of the new stream channels.
  • Raising the height of the tailings basin to reduce its footprint.
  • Modifications of facilities to slightly reduce wetland impacts.
  • Adding two preservation tracts totaling 810 acres to the wetland mitigation plan.
  • Improving the stream mitigation plan by creating 13,700 feet of natural stream channel and replacing a culvert on Two Mile Creek that is blocking brook trout passage on a tributary to the Wild and Scenic Cisco Branch of the Ontonagon River.  In addition, eight undersized culverts will be replaced with bridges.

The new application was public-noticed and sent to the EPA for review Nov. 28, 2012. After review of comments received on the application from the public, tribes and EPA — on this as well as the previous application for this project – DEQ required additional stream mitigation, modifications to the wetland mitigation plan and long term management plans for all mitigation sites. The EPA worked closely with the DEQ and did not object to issuance of this permit.

DEQ also amended Orvana’s mining (Part 632) permit to address concerns expressed during the review of the wetlands, inland lakes and streams application. The modification requires:

  • Restrictions on the final mine plan to require elimination of planned subsidence.
  • Conditions that require Orvana to monitor for and correct problems in the unlikely event of significant unplanned subsidence, leakage of contaminated water from the mine after closure or erosion downstream of the stream diversion to Lehigh Creek.
  • Provision to ensure that the final grade on the tailings basin cap appropriately distributes water to receiving streams. 

