Importance of Recognizing Excellence in our Community

Posted by on September 2, 2011

Who makes a difference in our community?  Haven’t thought about it?  Look around; these individuals walk among us silently every day.  They don’t do it to seek notoriety; they do it because it is the right thing to do.  They are passionate about their causes and make valuable contributions to every organization in which they are involved.  These people are dedicated, committed and involved whenever called upon to assist.  Their contributions are endless.   
It is obvious that awards provide an opportunity to identify an individual or group for excellence and achievement in a specific field.  Many awards are deliberately sought after for self-fulfillment, such as a sports team trying to get to the Super Bowl, an actress selecting the right roles and performing in the hopes of an Oscar, or a scientist experimenting in the hopes of getting a Nobel Prize.  Of course, the alternative point to this is that these teams, actors and scientists are out to improve their craft and create a more heightened experience for those around them.
Other awards have a much more compassionate incentive behind them, in that the awardee is not looking for personal gain but more so striving to give recognition or influence to others.  Typically, the person who wins a commendable award isn’t striving for the award itself, but for the betterment of the community. Those who achieve these community awards are driven by the changes and affects they are creating in their communities.  Many times receiving one of these awards comes as a total surprise.   
As I mentioned, awardees might have little incentive to achieve the award itself, but by simply recognizing benevolent members of the community, we inspire others to follow in their footsteps and to develop a community-focused mindset.  It empowers them to become passionate about an issue that is valuable to them, and provides them with the confidence that they too can be successful.  Also, by bringing attention to these distinguished individuals it allows for others to become knowledgeable of whatever issues and problems the awardee is trying to solve.  It is through this process that I see the true value in awards and commendations.  These types of commendations create a culture that doesn’t just benefit the awardee, but all of those involved in the community effort.
One of the many esteemed awards given in Marquette County is the Evergreen Award, which is currently seeking nominations through Wednesday, September 21.  The Evergreen Award is open to both men and women dedicated to supporting and mentoring women and girls and helping them to reach their leadership potential.  These exceptional women and men excel in their chosen path, devote time and energy to their community in a meaningful way and blaze trails for others to follow. 
If someone you know has been a positive role model and substantially affected your life, or the life of someone close to you, now is your time to nominate that deserving individual.  It is the mission of Evergreen to find these amazing individuals and honor them.  But the Evergreen committee needs your help to do so, consider nominating the person you are thinking of right now!
Forms are available at the LSCP office or by contacting Lindsay Hemmila (906) 226-6591 or Pam Stewart at (906) 315-7217.