Local Hospice Organizations Plan Bell Ringing Event

Posted by on October 29, 2012

Local Hospice Organizations Plan Bell Ringing Event

MARQUETTE –U.P. Home Health & Hospice and Lake Superior Hospice proudly present Marquette County Bells for Hospice (MCBH) in conjunction with the National Bells for Hospice event.  MCBH specifically honors and recognizes all who have passed away under Hospice care and also acknowledges respect for their families. The volunteers from Upper Peninsula Hospice and Lake Superior Hospice will come together for a bell ringing event on Thursday, November 1, 2012 at Noon at the Marquette Commons Building in Downtown Marquette.  Local church bells will be rung along with local hand bell choirs.  Fellowship and a lunch provided courtesy of Jimmy John’s will follow.

U.P. Home Health & Hospice and Lake Superior Hospice are committed to improving end of life care and expanding access to care with the goal of profoundly enhancing the quality of life for people in our community with life limiting diagnosis and for their loved ones.

Considered to be the model for quality, compassionate care at the end of life, Hospice care involves a team-oriented approach of expert medical care, pain management, and emotional and spiritual support specifically tailored to the patient’s wishes. Emotional and spiritual support is also extended to the family and loved ones. Generally, this care is provided in the patient’s home or in a home-like setting operated by a Hospice program.  Health care professionals who specialize in Hospice and Palliative Care work closely with staff and volunteers to address all the symptoms of illness, with the aim of promoting comfort and dignity.

For more information on Marquette County Bells for Hospice, please contact us at 225-4545, 485-4545 or 225-7760.
