LSCP Supports International Trade Crossing and USOEC Funding

Posted by on April 1, 2011

Last week, the Lake Superior Community Partnership board of directors took a stand on two issues that are important to Michigan, the Upper Peninsula and Marquette County. 

The LSCP Board voted unanimously to support funding for the USOEC program at Northern Michigan University.  As you may have heard, Congress recently eliminated all funding for the B.J. Stupak Olympic Scholarship Program.  If this funding is not reinstated, it will have very serious consequences for the USOEC program, which would not only have an adverse economic impact on the Upper Peninsula, but is another amenity that helps us to stand out across the globe. Losing the USOEC program would mean a loss of $20-28 million annually to our local economy.
Letters of support have been sent to our federal legislators, asking them to reinstate the scholarship funds.  We have made them aware of the gravity of the situation and asked that they do everything in their power to help. 
Information on how you can weigh in on the cuts can be found on our Advocacy page, under Economic Development at, including sample letters of support and contact information.
The LSCP Board of Directors also voted unanimously to support the proposed International Trade Crossing (ITC) allowing a second international crossing between Windsor, Ontario and Detroit, Michigan. The decision was based on three main factors:
1) The need for a healthy Detroit, and its impact on a healthy Michigan;
2) The importance of Canadian – US trade to our local economy. (1,600 Marquette   County jobs are directly attributed to this trade relationship)
3) The ability to use these investment dollars as a Federal match for transportation dollars that flow to the local level.
Support letters have been delivered to our elected officials and Governor Snyder urging their support of the proposal.  For additional information on the issue you can visit
Speaking of international crossing, I would like to congratulate LSCP Board member and community leader Stu Bradley for being appointed by Governor Snyder to the Sault Ste. Marie Bridge Authority.
The Sault Ste. Marie Bridge Authority is a joint organization between the U.S. and Canada. This board seeks to provide safe and efficient movement of people and goods across the international bridge between Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan and Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. We look forward to working with Stu in his new capacity.
For questions, please contact the Lake Superior Community Partnership office at 906-226-6591 or by email at  You can also visit our Advocacy page on our Web site (under Economic Development) at for more information on these and other legislative issues affecting our community and business climate.
