Pioneer Surgical Technology Donates Christmas Party Funds to Local Charity

Posted by on December 10, 2012



Marquette, Mich. – Pioneer Surgical Technology’s Marquette employees have voted to forgo their staff Christmas party this year to donate a portion of the funds to Room at the Inn.  The charity was chosen by Pioneer CEO, Daniel Webber. “Our employees are very active in community service on their own. When the vote came back in favor of donating to a charity over a Christmas party, it was a natural extension of the giving they do all year long. We chose Room at the Inn as the recipient because it helps those in desperate need at this time of year,” said Webber.

Room at the Inn provides a supervised night shelter, two meals daily, a warming center, shower facilities, bus and laundry vouchers and referral services to the homeless. “It’s very, very comforting to think that people were willing to give up a Christmas party to give to charity.  It’s just a great, great thing,” said Helen McCormick, co-founder of Room at the Inn.  To find out how you can help, call 227-9171.

In attendance at the check presentation from Pioneer Surgical Technology were Greg Bussone, Sarah McIntyre, Josie Strom, Betsy Grant, Julie Binkley, Katie Kuhlman, Fred Taccolini and Nicole Young.  On hand representing Room at the Inn were Helen McCormick, Martha Hayward, Sandy Bonsall, Douglas Russell, Kim Crane-Front, Iris Erickson and Duane Fowler.


