State of the Partnership

Posted by on February 1, 2011

Wow, the end of January already. As we enter a new decade of possibilities, it is important to look back to celebrate successes and improve upon challenges. The Lake Superior Community Partnership did just that at our Annual Board of Directors and Membership Meeting last week. I would like to share with all of you some of the highlights of the report.
First, our membership. Many new member benefits were added in 2010, including the publication of our first Small Business Resource booklet. Our member retention rate improved from 2009, ending the year at 90%, exceeding the national average by 7%. Highlighted in our online annual report is a breakdown of these members by sector and size.
Financial viability is typically challenging for non-profit organizations in a down economy. Through the tireless efforts of our Finance Task Force, Treasurer and Controller, we have been able to manage expenses, diversify our revenue base and plan for the future. We are holding steady with a budget of approximately $500,000, and a staff of nine people with salaries/wages accounting for 60% of the total budget. Again, our online report details the breakdown in both revenue and expense categories.
Community and economic development efforts are next in the report. I want to be very clear that the LSCP/EDC does none of this in a silo. We have partners and stakeholders involved in each and every successful project. So, there is plenty of credit to go around!
Our efforts in community and workforce development continue to have an impact with programs such as the Lake Superior Leadership Academy, 40 Below Young Professionals Network, Electrical Line Technician Program, Lake Superior Partners in Education, Intern in Michigan and Marquette Area Bikeability Committee.
Let’s focus on economic development for a moment. Remember, one of the most important goals of economic development is to create wealth in a community. So, first and foremost I think it is important to point out that all those companies and entrepreneurs making an investment in our community should be applauded. As a measurement of success in Marquette County, I would offer up the increase in median household income rising 10.5% from 2009 to 2010.
We have the pleasure of assisting many of those companies and entrepreneurs throughout the year. But in the end, the LSCP does not pull the trigger and create the job. The investor does. In 2010, we were able to work with 85 prospective companies and 49 retention projects. These efforts amounted to the potential of 1,170 new jobs; 3,010 retained jobs and a $43,782,000 investment into the community. In addition, we worked on $12.4 million in Renaissance Zone investment; $390,000 in CDBG and $410,000 in EDC revolving loan funding.
Lastly, we shared our communications strategy and measured success to date. There are plenty of opportunities to connect to what’s happening at the LSCP: Web site, RSS feed, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, podcasts, email broadcast lists, our weekly column or the old fashioned phone call or visit. Whatever suits your style, get connected!
For more information, visit and see our Annual Report under the Media menu. You can contact us by email at, or by calling 226-9658.
