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LSCP Business Services

One of the Lake Superior Community Partnership Brand Pillars states, “We provide a wide variety of affordable and effective development services – for businesses and municipalities”. This pillar describes where our efforts are focused. In a nutshell, investments from our Investors…

It’s Plaid and Pearls!

The Lake Superior Community Partnership’s Annual Dinner is this week! This event is our largest fundraiser of the year. We expect a few hundred people at this fun-filled event on March 12th in the Northern Center Ballrooms at Northern Michigan University….

LSCP Annual Meeting

We have been quite busy at the LSCP with the many events that take place in the first quarter of the year. From the UP200 Marquette County Ambassador receptions and the Operation Action U.P. Annual Meeting to the LSCP’s Annual Meeting…

Making the Most Out of Michigan

It started with the 2018 New York Times article, “Can Rural America Be Saved?”, but read more like, “should rural America be saved?”, which was responded to by Professor Jean Hardy, University of Michigan Research Assistant whose work on rural economic…

What is coming up for the LSCP?

As we enter 2020, my mind is all over the board with things that need to be accomplished at the Lake Superior Community Partnership this year. I’m not going to lie, sometimes it becomes overwhelming to think about! Kicking off the year…

A Look Into 2020

Happy New Year! Here’s to wishing you all have a healthy and prosperous 2020 … and if you own a business, want to buy or start one, or are an existing business with challenges or opportunities to tackle, let our team…

Economic Developer’s Wish List

Since we are in the midst of the holidays, I thought it only appropriate to share my top ten “wish list” as an economic developer with all of you. Here I have provided some actions we can all take to continue…

Michigan Future Business Index Presented

Every year Chris Holman and the Michigan Business Network (MBN) make their way to Marquette County to share the results of their Michigan Future Business Index. The index is defined by MBN as “The semi-annual Michigan Future Business Index has been…

Investing in Marquette County

In several columns, I have worked to communicate the value of investing in an economic development organization (edo) in your community. It is amazing, yet not unique to the LSCP, that being able to clearly and concisely define our value proposition…

Dont’ Forget to Shop Small this Holiday Season

With the holiday season underway, here in Marquette County we truly have many reasons to be thankful. We are lucky to live in this wonderful community filled with amazing organizations, businesses and people. On behalf of the LSCP, we want to…
